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Children and youth

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Provincial income assistance

Recommendation 69: No reduction of welfare for families in cases of child apprehension, so that income support and housing is maintained while mothers are in the process of getting their children back.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Provincial income assistance

Recommendation 70: Allow recipients of income assistance to remain on income assistance while attending postsecondary education.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Provincial income assistance

Recommendation 71: Provide income supports to youth transitioning out of government care until the age of 25 years old, regardless of whether or not they are employed or in school.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Provincial income assistance

Recommendation 72: Remove the age cap and the two-year eligibility requirement for income assistance for the Tuition Waiver Program for youth aging out of care.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Employment security

Recommendation 77: Rectify Indigenous women’s exclusion from the economy by:

  1. Developing equitable and inclusive hiring policy and standards.
  2. Creating a diversity of low-barrier jobs in the DTES with priority hiring and support for Indigenous women of the community.
  3. Creating peer-based employment programs including navigation positions throughout the housing, mental health, substance use, and income support systems.
  4. Ensuring Indigenous women peer workers are paid a living wage, have full benefits, and have the right to unionization.
  5. Creating jobs that value and compensate skills such as weaving, beading, drum making, food harvesting, and traditional healing, and support the creation of an Indigenous women’s cooperative in the DTES.
  6. Improving employment supports and workplace accommodations for Indigenous women who are single parents and/or in recovery to ensure that they are not setup to fail in their employment due to systemic barriers.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Universal public services

Recommendation 83: Guarantee a free and culturally appropriate child care system for all Indigenous families, including families awaiting kinship care placements. Child care must accommodates families’ diverse schedules, be available to children of all needs and abilities, and must be independent from child welfare services.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Universal public services

Recommendation 85: Guarantee free and extended transportation:

  1. Free transit pass for children ages 0-18 years old, all youth transitioning out of government care till the age of 25 years old, and for all adults on pensions, income assistance, and disability assistance.
  2. Expand public transit, including HandyDart and community-based passenger van programs.
  3. Access to free transportation to and from medical appointments, especially for those with disabilities and the elderly.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Universal public services

Recommendation 86: Implement better educational supports:

  1. Expansion of the Head Start program for Indigenous families.
  2. Guarantee a school breakfast and lunch food program in all public schools that is free, nutritious, and culturally diverse.
  3. More Indigenous-focused schools with Indigenous teachers, Indigenousbased educational methodology and curriculum, and that is supportive to urban Indigenous students needs and contexts.

Recommendations for safe and affordable housing for Indigenous women in the DTES

Build social housing and transition homes

Recommendation 97: Any new social housing must consider the needs of Indigenous women, such as adequate space for children and extended families, cooperative housing models, accommodating cultural and ceremonial practices, equipped for mobility devices and accessibility for elders, and with integrated services such as child care, free laundry, and programming on-site.

Recommendations to keep Indigenous families together in the DTES

Recommendation 111: Implementation of and full funding for federal Indigenous Child Welfare legislation that is attentive to specific First Nations, Metis, and Inuit needs. Ensure that Indigenous nations resume sole jurisdiction—and not simply service delivery—over child welfare for child-members of the nation who are on reserve and off reserve. This is in accordance with the United Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

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