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57 search results for
Provincial and territorial governments (General)

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Recommendation 58: Increase the federal Old Age Security (OAS), the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), Canadian Pension Plan (CPP), and BC Seniors Supplement.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Recommendation 59: Provide all residential school survivors with a guaranteed livable income for the rest of their lives.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Provincial income assistance

Recommendation 61: Increase income and disability rates to the Market Basket Measure to reflect the cost of an adequate standard of living, and index them to inflation.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Provincial income assistance

Recommendation 62: Provide grandparents raising grandchildren, and all kinship care providers, with incomes and benefits comparable to foster parents. This includes a living wage and full access to child care and respite support.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Provincial income assistance

Recommendation 63: Eliminate barriers to accessing income and disability assistance by reducing unnecessary eligibility criteria and simplifying the application processes. This includes:

  1. Removing the two-year financial independence requirement for income assistance.
  2. Basing income assistance eligibility on current income only.
  3. Removing the penalty clawback for failure to work search requirements for income assistance.
  4. Removing the work search requirement for mothers with children over the age of three years old.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Employment security

Recommendation 80: All levels of government should pay living wages to all direct and contracted government employees, and encourage other employers to do the same.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Employment security

Recommendation 81: Enact stand-alone proactive pay equity legislation that requires public and private sector employers to pay women equal pay for work of equal value.

Recommendation 84: Universal public healthcare coverage to include supplements, prescriptions, counselling, dental, optical, mobility devices, adaptive equipment, and alternative treatments like acupuncture.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Universal public services

Recommendation 87: Free postsecondary tuition:

  1. Free tuition for all postsecondary education for all Indigenous women and girls.
  2. Eliminate all interest on existing student loans for Indigenous women and girls.
  3. Under the Single Parents Employment Initiative, extend tuition coverage to multi-year degrees and training programs and remove the restricted list of eligible careers and programs.

Recommendations for safe and affordable housing for Indigenous women in the DTES

Recommendation 89: The Definition of Indigenous homelessness in Canada should form the basis of all policies on Housing and homelessness with appropriate solutions to homelessness that integrates land, culture, belonging, and kinship networks.

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