27 search results
Income insecurity and benefits
Recommendation 5: Create more scattered site program units for youth with rental subsidies and funding support positions in organizations who can partner with property management companies and provide case management. Additionally, organizations should network with other agencies that have access to housing to ensure youth are prioritized.-
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Recommendation 6: Support the development of the Friendly Landlord Network to increase youth’s access to market housing. There should be more public education initiatives that engage landlords by creating accountability within community to support youth and fostering a sense of purpose by helping youth. The provincial government could provide tax incentives for individual homeowners to provide affordable rent and become a part of the Friendly Landlord Network or something similar.-
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Recommendation 9: Provide youth with rental subsidies and financial supports that bridge the affordability gap into market housing. The temporary COVID-19 measures should be transitioned into permanent supports such as a universal basic income.-
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Youth in and from the foster care system
Recommendation 15: Provide youth with increased subsidies for housing related items as it is challenging to access the thrift store and buy housing items such as utensils or furniture.-
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Youth in and from the foster care system
Recommendation 17: All CLBC and Mental health assessments must be completed prior to youth aging out. Youth report delays on receiving assessments during the pandemic, which will affect the level of support they receive in the future.-
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Youth in and from the foster care system
Recommendation 18: Provide face to face transition planning support. Youth report that the pandemic has increased isolation and anxiety, which makes it challenging to make big life decisions.-
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Youth in and from the foster care system
Recommendation 20: Ensure each youth has stable income, so they are able to afford housing ongoing.-
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Social connections
Recommendation 22: Support workers need to provide in-person support to make a strong connection with youth. For those who are unable to, they should provide frequent virtual check-ins.-
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Mental health
Recommendation 37: Increase peer support opportunities and engage youth voice in paid focus groups or online surveys.-
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Substance use
Recommendation 49: Government needs to help reduce stigma for youth. Community needs to be supportive of youth who are facing increases in substance use and understand why people may have spent CERB on substances instead of punishing people.-
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