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15 search results for
In poverty


Recommendation 9: Provide youth with rental subsidies and financial supports that bridge the affordability gap into market housing. The temporary COVID-19 measures should be transitioned into permanent supports such as a universal basic income.

Youth in and from the foster care system

Recommendation 15: Provide youth with increased subsidies for housing related items as it is challenging to access the thrift store and buy housing items such as utensils or furniture.


Recommendation 57: There must be priority to keeping income levels consistent to avoid an influx of youth experiencing homelessness. Provide youth with resources and adequate preparation time to transition off government support to employment.


Recommendation 58: The Province should advocate to the Federal government to ensure ineligible youth who have accessed the CERB are not accumulating debt during the pandemic. Youth should obtain a pass and not have to pay back CERB or be given longer grace periods.


Recommendation 59: If there is a second wave, there needs to be increased education on how the CERB works and who is eligible for it. There should be designated financial supports for youth with disabilities or young people who are working part-time.


Recommendation 60: Youth need support with food security and supplies such as home kits provided by non-profits.


Recommendation 61: Provide youth with budgeting skills as the CERB is changing how youth view money and they will need support to transition to employment.


Recommendation 62: Youth need job training programs that provide case management, wraparound support, employment certificates, and workshops. There should be Indigenous specific programs.


Recommendation 63: Increase the number of paid work experience programs that build on youth’s lived expertise. For example, the youth-led “Light the Way Youth Homelessness Conference.”


Recommendation 64: Provide youth with personalized support to transition back into the work-place and transition off of government benefits in a stable way. Youth will need support stabilizing mental health and substance use to be successful in future employment opportunities.

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