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14 search results for
Substance use


Recommendation 2: Develop and build youth-specific housing that includes a variety of accommodations including communal, transitional, supportive, scattered site, and affordable market units. There should be designated low-barrier housing for youth with mental health and substance use concerns, as well as housing for youth who do not use substances. Youth recommend having teachers, nurses, and life-skills workers onsite.

Mental health

Recommendation 39: Obtain data from Mental Health teams and hospitals to better understand the long-term impacts of COVID-19. Reconsider the 14-day isolation period for youth struggling with mental health and substance use concerns.

Substance use

Recommendation 40: Increase harm reduction services for youth, including appropriate supplies, naloxone kits and training to use safely. In particular, youth in Williams Lake requested harm reduction services.

Substance use

Recommendation 41: Youth report an increased need for safe using spaces, including mobile vans that deliver. Youth request drug testing stations so youth can test their substances. Organizations need to bring the supports to the youth to avoid risk of community transmissions.

Substance use

Recommendation 42: Youth need legal prescriptions that are delivered to their home or to organizations to support safe use.

Substance use

Recommendation 43: There should be pro-active prevention work to help youth access detox or treatment before overdosing. Youth need increased support with safety planning and managing triggers such as connecting with negative people due to boredom or isolation.

Substance use

Recommendation 44: Youth are recommending that non-profits provide medical detox to youth they are already connected to. In Vancouver, youth suggested that the COVID-19 or Covenant House van could help youth detoxing in community.

Substance use

Recommendation 45: Provide youth with access to in-house substance use counselors and face to face NA/AA meetings. Some youth are not able to access the online meetings or they don’t work for them. Youth benefit from peer-based knowledge groups to de-stigmatize substance use.

Substance use

Recommendation 46: Provide youth with access to treatment and abstinence-based programs. Ensure they have support workers that can help advocate and transport them to detox or treatment.

Substance use

Recommendation 47: Some youth identified a need for spiritual care to heal from the increased deaths and loss they have experienced as a result of the COVID-19 overdose crisis.

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