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Recommendation 51: Schooling should be integrated into housing programs by creating a COVID friendly space.


Recommendation 52: Increased partnerships between schools and Indigenous organizations to support youth.


Recommendation 53: Provide youth with appropriate technology to do school including devices, Wi-Fi, and a quiet space to study. Interactive learning should be supported to keep youth engaged.


Recommendation 54: Education should be subsidized and the province should provide opportunities for project-based learning and apprenticeships. Youth recommend having basic education courses online to support literacy and numeracy development.


Recommendation 55: Youth need clear pathways to education and increased access to information on how to obtain their education online. If youth don’t find the right resource, this can stop them from applying.


Recommendation 56: Provide increased access to post-secondary scholarships and bursaries. Youth report a need for support to be available to youth who are waiting for Canadian status.


Recommendation 57: There must be priority to keeping income levels consistent to avoid an influx of youth experiencing homelessness. Provide youth with resources and adequate preparation time to transition off government support to employment.


Recommendation 58: The Province should advocate to the Federal government to ensure ineligible youth who have accessed the CERB are not accumulating debt during the pandemic. Youth should obtain a pass and not have to pay back CERB or be given longer grace periods.


Recommendation 59: If there is a second wave, there needs to be increased education on how the CERB works and who is eligible for it. There should be designated financial supports for youth with disabilities or young people who are working part-time.


Recommendation 60: Youth need support with food security and supplies such as home kits provided by non-profits.

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