1659 search results
Recommendation 78:
Remove barriers for workers exercising their constitutional right to join a union, including a return to signed union card certifications, and implement measures to prevent employers from interfering in union organizing drives.
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Recommendation 4:
Relevant public bodies should continue to build additional affordable housing that offers a flexible and progressive range of supports, specifically designed for people with mental health or substance userelated disabilities. For example, a person should have the option to move from a group home with onsite staff to an apartment managed by a local mental health non-profit as their health and if they chose to do so.
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Recommendation 26:
Reinstate Canada’s Action Plan Against Racism (CAPAR) to comply with the requirements of the United Nations World Conference against Racism.
Islamophobia at Work: Challenges and Opportunities
Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Labour Congress
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Recommendation 61:
We call upon church parties to the Settlement Agreement, in collaboration with Survivors and representatives of Aboriginal organizations, to establish permanent funding to Aboriginal people for:
- Community-controlled healing and reconciliation projects.
- Community-controlled culture- and language revitalization projects.
- Community-controlled education and relationship-building projects. iv. Regional dialogues for Indigenous spiritual leaders and youth to discuss Indigenous spirituality, self-determination, and reconciliation.
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Recommendation 187:
Reframe mental health and addictions services so they mirror Indigenous women’s social and economic realities and aspirations towards healing.
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Recommendation 23:
Reform the Residential Tenancy Act to provide effective rent control by the rental unit rather than the tenant. This will stop giving landlords an incentive to evict low income people and end renovictions. The Province should also implement a rent freeze and end the annual allowable rent increase (2.5% in 2019).
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Recommendation 155:
Reform the drug treatment court process so as to not require a guilty plea to access the program.
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Recommendation 40:
Reduce tuition fees by 50% and increase the availability of non-repayable post-secondary bursaries and grants for low-income students.
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Recommendation 140:
Reduce the number of bylaw infraction tickets issued by VPD in the DTES.
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Recommendation 4:
Reduce social inequities women face that make them at risk for experiencing homelessness by reducing the gender wage gap.
- Long-term economic security for women will help prevent women experiencing homelessness and allow for women to have greater choice in their living circumstances.
- Large scale systemic barriers have to be addressed in order for equitable access to housing to exist.
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