87 search results
To the Provincial Health Services Authority
Recommendation 41: Ensure post-use of force medical assessments include a determination of whether the prisoner has been adequately decontaminated, has received clean clothing and bedding, and has a clean cell.-
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To the Provincial Health Services Authority
Recommendation 42: The healthcare professional should complete a written report that includes the prisoner’s account of the incident and their assessment of any physical injuries and/or psychological impact. This report should be included in the use of force review if the prisoner consents, and a copy should be provided to the prisoner.-
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To the Provincial Health Services Authority
Recommendation 43: Conduct an audit of post-use of force medical assessments and clinicians’ compliance with their ethical obligations.-
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To the BC Government
Recommendation 44: Amend s. 12(1) of the Correction Act to remove the authorization of force “to prevent property damage” and “to maintain custody and control of an inmate.”-
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To the BC Government
Recommendation 45: Provide the Investigation and Standards Office with the mandate and with increased funding to review and publicly report on all uses of force in BC Corrections facilities.-
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To the BC Government
Recommendation 46: Expand the mandate of, and allocate funding to, the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital to house prisoners with serious mental health disabilities who are under the jurisdiction of BC Corrections on a long-term basis.-
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To the Investigation and Standards Office
Recommendation 47: In collaboration with BC Corrections, approach the BC Government for funding to review every use of force in a BC Corrections facility. In the interim, periodically review a random sampling of use of force incidents. Reviews should include interviews with the prisoner involved.-
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To Correctional Service Canada
Regarding use of force policy and practice
Recommendation 48: Clarify in policy that force can only be used when necessary to prevent imminent harm to a person, not to address noncompliance or disobedience.-
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To Correctional Service Canada
Regarding use of force policy and practice
Recommendation 49: Adopt an explicitly trauma-informed approach to interventions.-
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To Correctional Service Canada
Regarding use of force policy and practice
Recommendation 50: Restrict the use of force in response to self-harm to circumstances where there is an imminent risk of grievous bodily harm.-
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