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Universal basic services

Mental health

Recommendation 31: Install an independent Mental Health Advocate within the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions.

Universal basic services

Mental health

Recommendation 32: Integrate no-to-low cost counselling and other evidence-based mental health therapies into primary care networks and community health centres to support people in accessing mental health care at the first sign of illness.

Universal basic services

Mental health

Recommendation 33: Provide counselling and other evidence-based mental health therapies free at the point of use for all.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 34: Provide publicly funded, universally available, high-speed at-home Internet access for all in B.C. regardless of immigration or citizenship status.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 35: Address the digital divide during the pandemic and beyond and implement an initiative to provide $10-a-month high-speed at-home Internet access for all living at or below the Market Basket Measure poverty line, as well as all those accessing any form of education in B.C.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 36: Provide a B.C. Technology Fund and non-repayable grants to all enrolled in the $10-a-month affordability initiative and increase digital literacy training province-wide to address online safety, security, privacy, and disinformation.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 37: Implement the Indigenous Framework for Innovation and Technology to create sustainable access to digital and connected technologies for all 203 Indigenous communities in B.C., both on and off-reserve.

Universal basic services

K–12 education

Recommendation 38: Adequately fund K-12 education to end the need for parent fees and fundraising, ensure library, staff resources, and special needs assessment and support.

Universal basic services

K–12 education

Recommendation 39: Implement a national healthy school food program through the Ministry of Education and provide a healthy, free, lunch for all students in B.C.

Universal basic services

Higher education

Recommendation 40: Reduce tuition fees by 50% and increase the availability of non-repayable post-secondary bursaries and grants for low-income students.

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