1659 search results
Recommendation 11:
MCFD should develop a mechanism for holding regional offices accountable to implement the necessary changes identified through quality assessments
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Recommendation 9:
MCFD should consider the creation of specialized, equitably-resourced, Indigenous-specific teams as recommended by Jane Rousseau in Struggling toward Indigenous representation and service improvement within the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development
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Recommendation 7:
MCFD should collaborate with Indigenous peoples to create a formal plan for recruitment and retention of Indigenous MCFD staff, with clear principles, goals, milestones, and timelines.
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Recommendation 5:
MCFD should amend the guiding principles of the CFCSA to ensure that children’s rights are not viewed as hierarchical but interdependent. The guiding principles should reflect the holistic nature of children’s rights including the right of the child to maintain relationships with their family and community, the child’s right to support services, and the importance of maintaining the child’s relationship to their culture.
Category and theme:
- Classism ,
- Culture and language ,
- Decolonization and Indigenous rights ,
- Discrimination and hate ,
- Health, wellness and services ,
- Human rights system ,
- Indigenous children and youth in care ,
- Indigenous rights and self-governance ,
- International human rights ,
- Poverty and economic inequality ,
- Public services ,
- Racism
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Recommendation 7:
MCFD should amend the CFCSA to reflect the right of the child to not be separated from their family by reason only of their parent or guardian:
- lacking the same or similar economic and social advantages as others in BC society;
- engaging is substance use or coping with addiction when a parent is actively pursuing or participating in addiction services; or
- having a disability.
Category and theme:
- Ableism ,
- Accessibility ,
- Classism ,
- Decolonization and Indigenous rights ,
- Disability and parenting ,
- Discrimination and hate ,
- Economic inequality ,
- Health ,
- Health, wellness and services ,
- Human rights system ,
- Income insecurity and benefits ,
- Indigenous children and youth in care ,
- International human rights ,
- Poverty ,
- Poverty and economic inequality ,
- Public services ,
- Substance use
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Recommendation 6:
MCFD should amend the best interests of the child principle set out in the CFCSA to ensure that decision-makers turn their mind to the entirety of children’s right. The best interests of the child principle should at minimum direct decision-makers to:
- consider the trauma caused by apprehension;
- weigh the risks to the child’s well-being if the child remains or is returned with the family against the risks to the child’s well-being that is caused by the removal and placement of the child in care;
- assessment of the risks to the child if the child remains or is returned to the family must be done with due consideration of all the supports and services that can be provided to the family; and,
- consider the impact of family violence on the child and provide all the necessary services to the family in a manner that supports family members and prevents the need to remove the child from the custody of an abused family member.
Category and theme:
- Decolonization and Indigenous rights ,
- Health, wellness and services ,
- Human rights system ,
- Indigenous children and youth in care ,
- Indigenous issues in policing and justice ,
- Indigenous rights and self-governance ,
- International human rights ,
- Policing and the criminal justice system ,
- Poverty and economic inequality ,
- Public services
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Location of recommendation:
Recommendation 9:
MCFD should also begin a full learning and development initiative, for all service lines, to train staff on the use of child-centred, person-first and identity-first, destigmatizing language when speaking to, and documenting the lives of, children and youth in the child-serving system.
To be implemented by Sept. 1, 2024.
To be implemented by Sept. 1, 2024.
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Recommendation 13:
MCFD must review its policies and practices to increase the use of ADR processes, including changing the definition of family in ADR processes to recognize and honour Indigenous conceptions of family.
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Recommendation 8:
MCFD must review hiring and human resource policies to remove barriers for Indigenous applicants and make workplaces safe for Indigenous employees
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Recommendation 16:
MCFD must fulll the underlying intention of Grand Chief Ed John’s recommendation by undertaking a legislative review and financial policy review to ensure that all extended family-based caregivers are receiving the Child Tax Benefit and other benefits for each dependent in their care.
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