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5 search results

Operationalizing a prohibition on discrimination based on social condition

For the Province of BC once the Code has been amended to include social condition as a prohibited ground of discrimination

Recommendation 1: Engage in a provincial education campaign to ensure that all people in BC who may suffer discrimination on the basis of social condition, and all people in BC who are prohibited under the Code from discriminating on the basis of social condition are aware of the change.

Operationalizing a prohibition on discrimination based on social condition

For the Province of BC once the Code has been amended to include social condition as a prohibited ground of discrimination

Recommendation 2: Engage in formalized, proactive education with professionals in healthcare settings, police, and private service providers (such as landlords and private security companies) to raise awareness of social condition as a prohibited ground of discrimination.

Operationalizing a prohibition on discrimination based on social condition

For the Province of BC once the Code has been amended to include social condition as a prohibited ground of discrimination

Recommendation 3: Engage in an audit of provincial and municipal laws and policies to identify potential discrimination based on social condition.

Operationalizing a prohibition on discrimination based on social condition

For the Province of BC once the Code has been amended to include social condition as a prohibited ground of discrimination

Recommendation 4: Make discrimination based on social condition a priority for systemic investigation by the Commission.

Operationalizing a prohibition on discrimination based on social condition

For the Province of BC once the Code has been amended to include social condition as a prohibited ground of discrimination

Recommendation 5: Engage in proactive education with municipalities to ensure that zoning and regulatory bylaws, and related public consultation processes, do not discriminate based on social condition.

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