1659 search results
Recommendation 20:
Implement a National Action Plan for Violence Against Women and Gender-Based Violence, and a provincial sexual assault policy, with mandatory training and increase investment in services and supports for those escaping domestic violence.
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Recommendation 55:
Implement a human rights, Indigenous rights, and gender based analysis in the conception and implementation of all poverty reduction strategies, policies, legislation, and decision making.
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Recommendation 1:
Implement a cross-sector coordinated province-wide response to sexual assault, including the justice, health and community services sectors.
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Recommendation 6:
Immediately remove the requirement for youth to be ‘habitually’ missing before workers are directed to work with the child or youth to determine why they go missing.
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Recommendation 4:
Immediately remove the requirement for missing children in the system of care to require additional safety concerns before a child is reported lost or missing and approach as high risk until a risk assessment is completed to ensure an equitable and robust response to the disappearance of all children and youth in B.C. to align MCFD policy with the B.C. Provincial Policing Standards concerning missing children.
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Recommendation 21:
Immediately increase the shelter component of social assistance to at least $525 a month.
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Recommendation 116:
Immediately disallow apprehensions of Indigenous babies at birth and while they are still breastfeeding.
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Recommendation 8:
Immediately develop resources and guidelines for staff on the use of child-centred, person-first and identity-first, destigmatizing language when speaking to and documenting the lives of children and youth in the child-serving system.
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Recommendation 37:
Immediately develop policy, guidelines and reporting forms to provide for post-use of force medical assessments of every prisoner subject to force. Ensure assessments involve thorough physical examinations in a private setting and that nurses document all reported and observed injuries. Train all staff in the new policy.
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Recommendation 11:
Immediately commit to establishing an effective substance use system of care and involving families in all stages of development and planning. This includes family involvement in the new Overdose Emergency Response Centre (OERC), as promised at the OERC announcement on December 1st, 2017.
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