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2 search results for
Metis communities


Recommendation 4: That the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions actively engage and consult with First Nations, Métis Nation and urban Indigenous health bodies and leadership to develop a process to enable a child or youth to notify their community or Nation of their involuntary admission. To be complete by Sept. 1, 2021.


Recommendation 9: That the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions and the First Nations Health Authority actively engage and consult with First Nations, Métis Nation and urban Indigenous leadership and communities to identify changes needed in order to ensure that First Nations, Métis, Inuit and urban Indigenous children and youth are provided with trauma-informed, culturally safe and attuned mental health services, including a diversity of treatment modalities specific to their unique culture, when detained under the Mental Health Act. Changes to be identified by Sept. 1, 2021 and implemented in full by Sept. 1, 2022.

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