1659 search results
Recommendation 75:
Provide unique and youth-centred ways to increase income levels for youth who are risk of homelessness that don’t include complicated eligibility factors.
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Recommendation 18:
Provide training for frontline ministry workers, judges, police, housing, and medical staff in trauma-informed service provision to ensure people who access services are treated with compassion, patience, and understanding.
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Recommendation 25:
Provide the public, through the media and other means, with reliable and up-to-date data and good practice examples to increase their awareness regarding the children affected by parental imprisonment and their needs, and to prevent stereotyping and stigmatizing children with imprisoned parents.
Enhancing the Protective Environment for Children of Parents in Conflict with the Law or Incarcerated: A Framework for Action
Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver, International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, University of the Fraser Valley – School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver, International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, University of the Fraser Valley – School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
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Recommendation 45:
Provide the Investigation and Standards Office with the mandate and with increased funding to review and publicly report on all uses of force in BC Corrections facilities.
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Recommendation 42:
Provide the first year of all college and trade programs tuition-free.
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Recommendation 23:
Provide sustainable and yearly funding for Indigenous organizations to continue this important work. Grants can be provided through a third-party Indigenous organization, to support Indigenous Peoples’ revitalization of laws and practices concerning the stewardship and control of Indigenous cultural heritage and in identifying, understanding, and managing their heritage.
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Recommendation 26:
Provide sufficient resources to agencies and organizations to support children with imprisoned parents and their families to enable them to deal effectively with their particular situation and specific needs.
Enhancing the Protective Environment for Children of Parents in Conflict with the Law or Incarcerated: A Framework for Action
Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver, International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, University of the Fraser Valley – School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver, International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, University of the Fraser Valley – School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
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Recommendation 10:
Provide spaces for anti-violence workers and organizations in RRI communities to collaborate, interact, and share their experiences in the spirit of mutual support and solidarity; support the implementation of communities of practice for rural membership such as the Safehomes Community of Practice for rural members that BCSTH is organizing. One anti-violence worker voiced that the development of this kind of interaction would be helpful to countering at times urban centric policies and systems.
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Recommendation 4:
Provide resources and subsidies to low-income households to improve energy efficiency, install electric heat pumps, household-level solar and other renewable energy sources.
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Recommendation 1:
Provide reliable technology to all youth in need. Technology for all youth needs to be seen as a basic need and high priority at this time. The inequities in access to technology are resulting in increased disparity in access to education—and potentially life-saving support to vulnerable youth. Youth need access to internet, cell-phones, laptops, and printers in order to have equal access to education and supports.
COVID-19 & Youth Homelessness Special Report
BC Coalition to End Youth Homelessness
BC Coalition to End Youth Homelessness
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