129 search results for
Education and employment
Recommendation 48:
Encourage the creation of regional, or circuit, human rights clinics to both educate and assist Indigenous Peoples in filing and carrying through human rights claims. Explore options for clinics or workshops that operate regionally over time so lawyers can stick with a case, including potentially working with the three BC law schools. Clinics should be led by leading Indigenous counsel and provide representation to Indigenous Peoples, individually and collectively.
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Recommendation 47:
Provide student opportunities, such as articling or summer jobs for Indigenous law students to increase practitioners in this area.
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Recommendation 30:
Educate employers about s. 42. Education should highlight where a fair consideration of Indigenous applicants (for example, strongly weighing Indigenous knowledge and experience) does not require an exemption.
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Recommendation 6:
Increase the training for and number of lawyers available to support Indigenous Peoples in bringing human rights complaints, with an emphasis on Indigenous lawyers.
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Recommendation 3:
Increase the number of Indigenous Peoples at all levels of the BCHRT, including staff, tribunal members and contractors.
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Recommendation 15:
- Ensures an Indigenous lens and leadership role in developing a culturally responsive plan to support Indigenous programs and governments.
- Ensure adequate mental health, substance-use, life-skills, employment and education supports for youth.
- A strategy to incentivize coordinated supports at local levels.
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Recommendation 20:
Hire Indigenous People experienced in Indigenous cultural heritage to foster new ways of thinking within government and to develop common understandings between government and Indigenous communities.
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Recommendation 19:
Establish a special program to support scholarships and internships for Indigenous students and early-career professionals to conduct and present research on Indigenous cultural heritage related to B.C.’s heritage sites, programs and collections.
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Recommendation 22:
Contribute funding and effort for a detailed needs study to inform the development of:
- Programs and grants to build capacity, support skills development in Indigenous heritage professionals, and support infrastructure development for the caretaking of cultural objects and intellectual property;
- Training programs for Indigenous People interested in heritage work. This could be done in partnership with universities and colleges, or museums through coursework and internships in Indigenous communities and organizations;
- Exchange programs for Indigenous heritage professionals to learn about international best practices and share approaches and methods with international Indigenous organizations and institutions doing ground-breaking work to protect and revitalize Indigenous cultural heritage;
- Mentorship programs partnering experienced Indigenous heritage professionals from museums, universities, or other well-resourced institutions, with those more junior; and
- Awards or campaigns to recognize and celebrate leaders in Indigenous cultural heritage work. This could attract more Indigenous People to the field by putting a public face on Indigenous People leading heritage protection work and normalize and publicize Indigenous leadership in heritage work to the broader public.
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