94 search results for
Recommendation 20:
Work to increase equity representation in CLC committees and on decision making bodies such as Canadian Council.
Islamophobia at Work: Challenges and Opportunities
Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Labour Congress
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Recommendation 1:
In order to ensure adequate and effective policing and law enforcement, the Ministry must have data to show how policing and law enforcement is performing related to mental health crises. If there is a crisis healthcare gap marked by police over-involvement in mental health crisis, it will appear as:
- High rates of police involvement in people accessing first-time mental health support
- High rates of arrest and/or incarceration of individuals with mental health challenges,
- High rates of police apprehending individuals for psychiatric evaluations in which the individual does not meet the criteria for hospital admission
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Recommendation 21:
Use of force reviews should identify the number of previous uses of force against the same prisoner. For prisoners who are repeatedly subject to force, develop a plan to reduce uses of force, in conjunction with the Provincial Health Services Authority for prisoners with disabilities. If force is not reduced, conduct an operational review.
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Recommendation 69:
Use of force reviews should identify the number of previous uses of force against the same prisoner. For prisoners who are repeatedly subject to force, develop a plan to reduce uses of force, in conjunction with a clinical team for prisoners with disabilities, and automatically review subsequent uses of force at the national level. If force is not reduced, conduct a national investigation.
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Recommendation 8:
Train frontline Ministry workers in trauma informed service provision to ensure people who access services are treated with compassion, patience and understanding. The training may include education on mental health related barriers and stigma reduction provided by people with lived or living experience of illness and of accessing assistance.
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Recommendation 5:
There is perhaps no greater challenge currently facing young people in B.C. transitioning into adulthood than finding appropriate, affordable and safe housing. We echo the recommendation made in the late Katherine McParland’s report, From Marginalized to Magnified: Youth Homelessness Solutions from those with Lived Expertise – that the Ministry of Attorney General and Minister responsible for Housing should work with BC Housing to develop and implement an aggressive plan to work toward ending youth homelessness in B.C., with particular attention to young adults who have transitioned from care. As part of this plan, additional dedicated housing units should be provided for young people aging out of care. Units on a continuum of support – including with mental health and addictions supports where needed – should be available and eligibility requirements reduced.
BC Housing is to develop a comprehensive plan by April 1, 2022 and begin full implementation of that plan thereafter.
BC Housing is to develop a comprehensive plan by April 1, 2022 and begin full implementation of that plan thereafter.
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Recommendation 7:
The relevant provincial ministries should engage in extensive education and outreach to legislators and staff across the provincial government, and local governments to introduce the stigma-auditing tool to law and policymakers, and to train stigma auditors.
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Recommendation 12:
The provincial government must immediately raise welfare and disability rates to the Market Basket Measure (MBM), index them to the cost of living, and remove arbitrary barriers.
Category and theme:
- Ableism ,
- Accessibility ,
- Accessible services and technology ,
- Classism ,
- Decolonization and Indigenous rights ,
- Disability and parenting ,
- Discrimination and hate ,
- Economic inequality ,
- Health, wellness and services ,
- Income insecurity and benefits ,
- Indigenous children and youth in care ,
- Poverty ,
- Poverty and economic inequality
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Recommendation 12:
The Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction should include mental health and substance use-related accommodations in accessibility guidelines given to WorkBC service providers such as varying levels of privacy and openness in waiting or self-serve areas, flexibility in pace and frequency of programs, and mental health literacy training for all staff.
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Recommendation 3:
The Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction should ensure that its commitment to develop and pass comprehensive accessibility legislation will go beyond physical notions of accessibility and ensure that people with invisible disabilities, in particular people with mental health or substance use-related disabilities, can fully participate in their communities.
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