51 search results for
General public
Recommendation 59:
We call upon all media, news corporations and outlets, and, in particular, government funded corporations and outlets; media unions, associations, and guilds; academic institutions teaching journalism or media courses; governments that fund such corporations, outlets, and academic institutions; and journalists, reporters, bloggers, film producers, writers, musicians, music producers, and, more generally, people working in the entertainment industry to take decolonizing approaches to their work and publications in order to educate all Canadians about Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people. More specifically, this includes the following:
- Ensure authentic and appropriate representation of Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people, inclusive of diverse Indigenous cultural backgrounds, in order to address negative and discriminatory stereotypes.
- Support Indigenous people sharing their stories, from their perspectives, free of bias, discrimination, and false assumptions, and in a trauma-informed and culturally sensitive way.
- Increase the number of Indigenous people in broadcasting, television, and radio, and in journalist, reporter, producer, and executive positions in the entertainment industry, including, and not limited to, by providing scholarships and grants aimed at Indigenous inclusion in media, film, and music industry-related fields of study; providing scholarships and grants aimed at Indigenous inclusion in media, film, and music industry-related fields of study.
- Take proactive steps to break down the stereotypes that hypersexualize and demean Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people, and to end practices that perpetuate myths that Indigenous women are more sexually available and “less worthy” than non-Indigenous women because of their race or background.
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Recommendation 87:
We call upon all levels of government, in collaboration with Aboriginal peoples, sports halls of fame, and other relevant organizations, to provide public education that tells the national story of Aboriginal athletes in history.
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Recommendation 91:
We call upon the officials and host countries of international sporting events such as the Olympics, Pan Am, and Commonwealth games to ensure that Indigenous peoples’ territorial protocols are respected, and local Indigenous communities are engaged in all aspects of planning and participating in such events.
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Recommendation 88:
We call upon all levels of government to take action to ensure long-term Aboriginal athlete development and growth, and continued support for the North American Indigenous Games, including funding to host the games and for provincial and territorial team preparation and travel.
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Recommendation 82:
We call upon all elementary, secondary, and post-secondary institutions and education authorities to educate and provide awareness to the public about missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people, and about the issues and root causes of violence they experience. All curriculum development and programming should be done in partnership with Indigenous Peoples, especially Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people. Such education and awareness must include historical and current truths about the genocide against Indigenous Peoples through state laws, policies, and colonial practices. It should include, but not be limited to, teaching Indigenous history, law, and practices from Indigenous perspectives and the use of Their Voices Will Guide Us with children and youth.
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Recommendation 120:
Using what you have learned and some of the resources suggested, become a strong ally. Being a strong ally involves more than just tolerance; it means actively working to break down barriers and to support others in every relationship and encounter in which you participate.
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Recommendation 15:
There should be a drive for greater gender and racial equity in gallery exhibitions. For instance, a guiding principle might mandate that Black women artists booking a solo exhibition be paid the same rate as the highest paid white man artist. In fact, institutions should recognize that certain communities deserve to be paid more for their time and adopt an equity payscale. This can be considered another form of restitution for historic and ongoing marginalization of Indigenous and Black individuals and communities, which requires more labour to participate in the industry compared to non-Indigenous, white peers.
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Recommendation 1:
The severity and pervasiveness of anti-Asian racism reported requires immediate attention from all levels of government. Federal, provincial and municipal governments and all political parties must recognize anti-Asian racism as a distinct area of discrimination that requires immediate action. In particular, the government must:
- Recognize the importance of anti-racism education by committing financial and other resources to community-led organizations to carry out anti-racism education.
- Provide comprehensive, community-based, culturally specific, collective and individual social supports that would be accessible for those from diverse backgrounds and of all language abilities to ensure that victims and survivors of racist attacks and anti-Asian racism can receive the support they need so that our communities can recover holistically.
- Implement comprehensive policies to prevent the spread of misinformation in media and social media which incites negative public discourse and further provokes racism (for example, policies proposed by CCNC-SJ).
- Fund more educational initiatives about the long history of Chinese Canadians and Asian Canadians in Canada, their historical experiences with racism and their contributions to Canada.
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Recommendation 1:
The Representative is calling for a special convening of the child-serving systems and the children, youth, families and communities they serve to respond to the cracks in our care system that are contributing to children and youth being pushed and pulled away from the systems of care and being subjected to increased risks of serious incidents or critical injuries and deaths. To address the root systemic and structural causes of children and youth going missing from the child welfare system we need to collectively explore:
- What are the conditions of unbelonging that lead to children becoming lost or missing in the child welfare system?
- How are children’s unmet needs across systems contributing to them going missing?
- How do we align systems of care and protection to respond more effectively and uphold the rights of children who have disappeared in the system?
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- Academic institutions ,
- Faith and cultural groups ,
- First Nations governments ,
- General public ,
- Government of British Columbia ,
- Health authorities ,
- Human rights institutions ,
- Independent offices of the Legislature ,
- Indigenous organizations ,
- Municipal governments ,
- Non-profits and community organizations ,
- Public sector
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Recommendation 66:
The Ministry of Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing should explicitly regulate against gentrification and ban practices that pigeonhole People of African Descent and families into living in particular residential zones in BC cities. This should include funding and collaboration with People of African Descent organizations to deepen tenants and landlords’ awareness of their rights and responsibilities. This is particularly crucial for People of African Descent renters to more easily access information on their options in various scenarios and on how to protect their rights.
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