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25 search results for
Health, wellness and services

From Indigenous poverty reduction consultations

Recommendation 12: Commit to developing an Indigenous specific poverty reduction plan, within a decolonizing anti-racist lens, complete with specific goals, targets, timelines and accountabilities.

From Indigenous poverty reduction consultations

Recommendation 13: Identify and systematically remove the structural, racialized barriers of social and economic exclusion of Indigenous people. Set out specific targets, timelines and accountabilities.

From Indigenous poverty reduction consultations

Recommendation 14: Provide funding for culturally appropriate anti-violence and anti-oppression programs for Indigenous girls, women, and families.

From Indigenous poverty reduction consultations

Recommendation 15: Provide funding for effective, results-producing culturally appropriate anti-violence and anti-oppression programs for men and boys.

From Indigenous poverty reduction consultations

Recommendation 16: Adopt rent controls and social housing health inspection processes.

From Indigenous poverty reduction consultations

Recommendation 17: Place the community at the centre of the poverty reduction plan and build the suite of wraparound services around the clients’ needs, where they live.

From Indigenous poverty reduction consultations

Recommendation 18: Enable Indigenous food security by enabling Indigenous access to traditional land, and water based cultural food and medicine resources.

From Indigenous poverty reduction consultations

Recommendation 19: Establish standard breakfast and lunch programs in schools.

From Indigenous poverty reduction consultations

Recommendation 20: In communities with no public transit and where people need to drive long distances for services, establish community based passenger van and car share programs.

From Indigenous poverty reduction consultations

Recommendation 21: Increase access to jobs, trades, skills training and development for Indigenous people.

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