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30 search results for
Discrimination and hate


Recommendation 21: The BC Human Rights Commission to prioritize stigma-auditing areas of law and policy that most directly impact highly stigmatized populations including sex workers in areas such as:

  • Public space governance,
  • Income assistance and disability policy,
  • Housing policy and residential tenancy law,
  • Child welfare law and policy,
  • Policing law and policy,
  • Health policy related to mental health and substance use,
  • Privacy law as it relates to people who live in public spaces and people who are criminalized as a result of poverty and substance use.


Recommendation 23: Designation of ASL/LSQ as official languages.

Universal basic services

General health care

Recommendation 26: Provide a comprehensive program to supply assistive devices and personal equipment such as wheelchairs, mobility aids, communication aids, and respiratory devices for people living with those respective disabilities.

Universal basic services

General health care

Recommendation 28: Provide mandatory training for all health practitioners to ensure the rights and safety of LGBTQIA2S+ communities as they access health care.

Universal basic services

Higher education

Recommendation 43: Address the rise of precarious work in higher education.

Universal basic services

Child care

Recommendation 45: Consider the disproportionate impact of precarious labour within the child care sector on women and implement a provincial wage grid for early child educators to raise wages, and address recruitment and retention.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 50: Continue to build a continuum of social housing that offers a flexible range of supports that respects the choice and autonomy of citizens to transition into safe, permanent housing.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 53: Address the need for affordable housing in Metro Vancouver and build a minimum of 10,000 new units of non-market rentals, public housing, and co-op housing per year, starting in 2021.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 54: Increase the province-wide stock of all forms of social housing.

Universal basic services

Democracy and legal services

Recommendation 59: Fully restore and fund poverty law legal aid in BC to address areas such as income security, employment, housing, and debt.

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