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Representation and leadership

Recommendation 7: Establish and enhance relational versus transactional connections between governments based on Indigenous rights recognition, Government-to-Government and/or Nation-to-Nation foundations of equality, and through development and implementation of shared decision-making processes addressing Indigenous Cultural Heritage. This requires displacing the current standards of engagement / consultation / accommodation, based on unilateral government decision-making and strength of claim assessments, and replacing them with new standards as set out above. It also requires significant education, training, and revised hiring practices to ensure government have the capacity to undertake these processes in an effective way.

Recommendation 11: Support efforts to understand, document, and record Indigenous place names by:

  1. Establishing a working group of Indigenous Peoples experienced with the placename process;
  2. Funding Indigenous communities to undertake dialogue and engagement; and
  3. Providing funding and staffing resources to the B.C. Geographical Names Office of the Heritage Branch to process and evaluate Indigenous place names applications, including engagement with Indigenous communities.

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