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24 search results for
Accessible services and technology

Immediate services needed in the DTES

Recommendation 25: Provide a free medical accompaniment program where women are guaranteed rides and an accompaniment advocate for all medical appointments.

Recommendation 26: Provide an annual transport allowance for Indigenous women in the DTES to be able to travel to their home community.

Recommendations to end Indigenous women’s displacement from land

On reserve

Recommendation 40: The federal government must guarantee:

  1. Access to clean drinking water; food security based on a traditional diet; critical infrastructure including roads and sanitation systems; and essential health, education, child care, housing, transport, recreational, cultural, and emergency services on every reserve.
  2. Safe, affordable, and livable housing for every woman on her reserve that is independent of her matrimonial status.
  3. Affordable child care and licensed day care options on every reserve.
  4. Complete complement of maternal and infant/child health services on reserve to enable women to remain closer to home to give birth.
  5. Free public transportation between each town and city located along the entire length of Highway 16 and all other highways, with a number of safe homes and emergency phone booths along the length of all the highways.
  6. Increase funding on all reserves for programs and services that strengthen traditional and cultural knowledge grounded in Indigenous laws, values, and practices.
  7. Range of anti-violence services including preventive programs, crisis intervention, victim services, advocacy support, restorative justice circles, shelters, transitional housing, and second-stage housing on every reserve.
  8. Cultural sensitivity training for all first responders such as police, healthcare professionals, and social workers who assist survivors of violence on reserve.

Recommendations to end Indigenous women’s displacement from land

On reserve

Recommendation 48: Provide an annual transport allowance for Indigenous women in the DTES to be able to travel to their home community.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Provincial income assistance

Recommendation 63: Eliminate barriers to accessing income and disability assistance by reducing unnecessary eligibility criteria and simplifying the application processes. This includes:

  1. Removing the two-year financial independence requirement for income assistance.
  2. Basing income assistance eligibility on current income only.
  3. Removing the penalty clawback for failure to work search requirements for income assistance.
  4. Removing the work search requirement for mothers with children over the age of three years old.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Provincial income assistance

Recommendation 64: Restructure the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, including:

  1. Bringing back individual caseworkers and timely individualized assistance.
  2. Ensuring there are computers and Ministry support staff at every Ministry office for the purpose of helping applicants.
  3. Modifying the online application for income assistance so that it is not mandatory to create an email address and BCelD.

Recommendations to guarantee economic security for Indigenous women in the DTES

Universal public services

Recommendation 85: Guarantee free and extended transportation:

  1. Free transit pass for children ages 0-18 years old, all youth transitioning out of government care till the age of 25 years old, and for all adults on pensions, income assistance, and disability assistance.
  2. Expand public transit, including HandyDart and community-based passenger van programs.
  3. Access to free transportation to and from medical appointments, especially for those with disabilities and the elderly.

Recommendations for safe and affordable housing for Indigenous women in the DTES

Build social housing and transition homes

Recommendation 97: Any new social housing must consider the needs of Indigenous women, such as adequate space for children and extended families, cooperative housing models, accommodating cultural and ceremonial practices, equipped for mobility devices and accessibility for elders, and with integrated services such as child care, free laundry, and programming on-site.

Recommendations for safe and affordable housing for Indigenous women in the DTES

Build social housing and transition homes

Recommendation 102: All supportive housing and shelter providers should prioritize Indigenous women’s participation in service delivery, as well as prioritize Indigenous women as peer workers, staff, and managers.

Recommendations to keep Indigenous families together in the DTES

Support Indigenous families

Recommendation 122: Guarantee free and culturally appropriate child care and early childhood education for all children on and off reserve, with adequate staffing ratios and support for children with special needs.

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