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5 search results for
Experiences of mental health issues

Recommendation 5: That the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions (MMHA), in collaboration with MCFD, DAAs and the Ministry of Health, lead a review, and develop and implement a plan, to provide effective and accessible mental health services for children and youth with special needs, including FASD. This should include a review of evidence-based, culturally attuned and promising practice models of therapy, intervention and care for children and youth with special needs including FASD, who have mental health impacts, as well as an assessment of current resourcing and resource gaps. The findings of this review and planning should be prioritized and built into MMHA’s Pathway to Hope for implementation. MMHA to complete the review and plan by March 31, 2022, with MCFD and Health beginning the implementation of new service approaches and enhanced services by Oct. 1, 2023, and completing implementation by March 31, 2024.

Recommendation 6: That the Ministry of Health incrementally reduce wait times for complex developmental behavioural conditions (CDBC) diagnostic clinics, and also secure additional resources to provide for periodic follow-up assessments, at key development stages from infancy through to adolescence. The Ministry of Health to reduce wait times to nine months by March 31, 2022; to six months by March 31, 2023; to three months by March 31, 2024; and thereafter increase capacity to provide for follow-up assessments.

Recommendation 7: That the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the First Nations Health Authority and with guidance from the Task Team formed as a result of the In Plain Sight report, apply learnings from the review of systemic bias to referral pathways and assessment processes for CDBC diagnostic clinics. The changes/improvements should specifically address the issue of bias with regard to the referrals of First Nations, Métis, Inuit and Urban Indigenous children and youth for FASD assessments and ASD assessments. Ministry of Health to complete the review and implement recommended improvements by March 31, 2022.

Recommendation 9: MCFD together with the Ministry of Citizens’ Services to initiate the development of a cross-ministry plan, in collaboration with the ministries of Health, MMHA, Social Development and Poverty Reduction, and Education, and in association with DAAs, health authorities and Community Living BC, to routinely collect high-quality demographic and service data that allows for disaggregation, providing an essential foundation for more effective policy development, program provision and service monitoring for children and youth with special needs and their families, including those with FASD who are receiving services from these public bodies. The cross-ministry plan to be completed and implemented by April 1, 2022 and fully implemented by March 31, 2024.

Recommendation 11: That the Ministry of Education work with the British Columbia Council for Administrators for Inclusive Supports in Education (BC CAISE) to support staff training and development needs for educators and school staff who work with children and youth with FASD or suspected FASD, and their families, and build on evidence-based and promising practice approaches to better support inclusion and improved learning outcomes for children and youth with FASD. Ministry of Education to work with BC CAISE and partners to support the implementation of staff training and development to better support inclusion and improved learning outcomes for children and youth with FASD and related disorders by Sept. 1, 2022.

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