4 search results
Public services
Provincial government
Recommendation 27: Ensure that immigration status is not a barrier to social housing-
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Location of recommendation:
Provincial government
Recommendation 29: Ensure that women and children fleeing violence have priority for decent social housing.-
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Location of recommendation:
Provincial government
Recommendation 32: Move from “supportive housing” models to tenant- and peer-controlled housing and housing that responds to resident-identified mental health needs.-
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Location of recommendation:
Provincial government
Recommendation 34: Increase access to RTB services and provide proactive, door-to-door education and information about renters’ rights and early warning signs of renovictions. Provide support for a penalty-free “rent strike” or withholding rents for units that have poor maintenance, and landlords not doing anything to improve it. Have a real Renters’ Taskforce, from the point of view of renters, not landlords.-
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