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5 search results for
Health, wellness and services

Municipal government

Recommendation 11: Embrace a women-centred philosophy in hotels with policies and practices that ensure women’s access and safety in all spaces, especially for Indigenous women and women of colour.

Municipal government

Recommendation 15: Increase investment in both capital and operating costs for shelter-rate housing, including through the Empty Homes tax, borrowing, reducing the annual police budget, and taxing homes worth over $5,000,000. Invest specifically in permanent new Indigenous housing. Promote family reunification by providing family-sized, culturally safe units in new permanent shelter-rate and social housing.

Provincial government

Recommendation 30: Increase funding for permanent new Indigenous housing. Promote family reunification by providing family-sized, culturally-safe units in new permanent shelter-rate and social housing.

Federal government

Recommendation 40: Return Housing First as the key strategy of the National Homelessness Strategy and implement the Indigenous Definition of Homelessness

Federal government

Recommendation 41: Increase federal funding for urban Indigenous and on-reserve housing.

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