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20 search results for

Municipal government

Recommendation 4: Buy or lease SRO hotels, especially near the location of the new St. Paul’s Hospital at the South end of the DTES to prevent them from gentrifying and pushing out low income residents.

Municipal government

Recommendation 12: Revisit Downtown Eastside zoning regulations to ensure that they require new developments to include more social housing that low income people can afford.

Municipal government

Recommendation 13: Change the City’s definition of social housing so that low income people are not excluded from any social housing.

Municipal government

Recommendation 14: Adopt and implement the People’s Vision for Chinatown.

Municipal government

Recommendation 16: Stop requiring social housing and shelter/pension-rate housing to be self-sustaining. The concept of self-sufficiency and austerity around affordable housing needs to change otherwise will not be able to get people out of poverty.

Municipal government

Recommendation 17: Aggressively lobby the provincial government to raise welfare to the Federal government’s Market Basket Measure (about $1,675 a month for a single person in 2017) and implement rent control so that any social assistance increase does not go directly to landlords.

Municipal government

Recommendation 18: Recognize the right to housing at the local government level and making it a “rights-based city” like the City of Montreal.

Provincial government

Recommendation 19: Raise welfare to the Federal government’s Market Basket Measure (about $1,665 a month for a single person in 2016).

Provincial government

Recommendation 20: Raise disability to at least $300 more than welfare.

Provincial government

Recommendation 21: Immediately increase the shelter component of social assistance to at least $525 a month.

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