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To Correctional Service Canada

Regarding prisoners with mental health needs

Recommendation 55: Develop an alternative model for identifying and responding to prisoners with mental health disabilities in crisis in partnership with mental health experts (including experts in forensic psychiatry) and people with lived experience. This includes prisoners in emotional distress (such as prisoners who are self-harming) as well as prisoners who are experiencing behavioural emergencies connected with their disabilities. These responses should be supportive and traumainformed rather than punitive.

To Correctional Service Canada

Regarding prisoners with mental health needs

Recommendation 57: Have senior mental health practitioners review all uses of force against prisoners with mental health disabilities.

To Correctional Service Canada

Regarding internal use of force reviews

Recommendation 69: Use of force reviews should identify the number of previous uses of force against the same prisoner. For prisoners who are repeatedly subject to force, develop a plan to reduce uses of force, in conjunction with a clinical team for prisoners with disabilities, and automatically review subsequent uses of force at the national level. If force is not reduced, conduct a national investigation.

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