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3 search results for
Human rights system

Human rights

Recommendation 1: The BC Human Rights Commission should audit the laws and policies governing the provision of social services to identify and eliminate accessibility barriers that prevent or dissuade people with mental health and substance use-related disabilities from obtaining the supports and services they are eligible for.

Human rights

Recommendation 2: Alternatively, the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions should establish an independent Mental Health Advocate to monitor the performance of public services that impact people with mental health and substance use-related health issues, receive and act on systemic disability related complaints and protect the human rights of people living with illness who access services.


Recommendation 6: The Attorney General should create a legal means to consider tenancy and anti-discrimination rights under the BC Human Rights Code when they are raised before the Residential Tenancy Branch. This could include a process for the BC Human Rights Tribunal to issue interim orders once a human rights complaint has been filed and amendments to the Residential Tenancy Act that allow for an interim delay in a residential tenancy dispute when such an interim order has been issued.

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