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2 search results for
Economic inequality

Recommendation 3: In light of the prevalence of racist attacks in restaurants, food and grocery establishments, accounting for almost 1/5th of all reported incidents, and the high numbers of Chinese and Asian Canadian essential workers in this sector, specific attention directed towards the protection of workers, operators and customers in these areas is critical.

  1. Recognize that workers and small businesses in the Chinese and Asian food sector have been impacted doubly: not only by the lockdown measures and economic damage resulting but also from racist attacks and racialized stigmatization of the sector. Provide support to these small businesses and workers in these sectors by ensuring there is robust support and a comprehensive recovery support strategy.
  2. Equip community, labour and businesses groups from Asian communities with the resources to support local businesses, workers and consumers in responding to racist attacks in these workplaces.

Recommendation 4: Chinese and Asian Canadians also face racism as workers. As frontline and essential workers during the pandemic, they are vulnerable to racist attacks and the same vulnerabilities that frontline and essential workers face. Fighting anti-Asian racism is also about recognizing how systemic inequity renders racialized communities more likely to be frontline and essential workers, and also ensuring that these workers have the protections they need:

  1. Ensure all workers have access to legislated paid sick days: seven permanent paid sick days in regular times and 14 paid sick days during health emergencies.
  2. Ensure satisfactory income support during and after the pandemic for all.
  3. Ensure status on arrival and implement a regularization program to grant permanent resident status to all migrants and people with precarious immigration status.

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