107 search results for
BC Coalition to End Youth Homelessness
Recommendation 65:
Zero Ceiling is a promising practice that has integrated employment and housing to help bridge youth out of homelessness into a sense of purpose. They provide mental health support and a strong recreation component that helps youth thrive in wellness.
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Recommendation 25:
Youth who have faced stigma around physical distancing would like an opportunity to share with the community their experience of COVID-19.
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Recommendation 27:
Youth should be provided access to free family counseling if they want to return home.
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Recommendation 41:
Youth report an increased need for safe using spaces, including mobile vans that deliver. Youth request drug testing stations so youth can test their substances. Organizations need to bring the supports to the youth to avoid risk of community transmissions.
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Recommendation 60:
Youth need support with food security and supplies such as home kits provided by non-profits.
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Recommendation 48:
Youth need support in finding purpose, which provides youth with a reason to access substance use support. This may need to be a two-part process with employers willing to support youth to get connected to the community and support resilience in bouncing back.
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Recommendation 42:
Youth need legal prescriptions that are delivered to their home or to organizations to support safe use.
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Recommendation 62:
Youth need job training programs that provide case management, wraparound support, employment certificates, and workshops. There should be Indigenous specific programs.
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Recommendation 55:
Youth need clear pathways to education and increased access to information on how to obtain their education online. If youth don’t find the right resource, this can stop them from applying.
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Recommendation 44:
Youth are recommending that non-profits provide medical detox to youth they are already connected to. In Vancouver, youth suggested that the COVID-19 or Covenant House van could help youth detoxing in community.
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