360 search results for
Criminal justice system
Recommendation 15:
We recommend that Canada and CSC amend their laws and policies related to medical professionals to be in full accordance with the Mandela Rules.
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Recommendation 17:
We recommend that Canada amend legislation to ensure that conditions of confinement in SIUs do not constitute solitary confinement.
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Recommendation 31:
We recommend that any staff who behave inappropriately in relation to prisoners held in any form of isolation, or who deny them their rights, be disciplined and removed from working with vulnerable prisoners.
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Recommendation 19:
We recommend that all prisoners in an SIU have access to a television in their cell within one day.
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Recommendation 32:
We recommend that all correctional officers be required to wear body cameras that record video and audio whenever they are working in areas with prisoners.
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Recommendation 13:
We recommend prisoners with serious mental illnesses be transferred to community-based psychiatric hospitals under s 29 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, where they can receive appropriate mental health treatment in a therapeutic environment.
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Recommendation 23:
We recommend legislative amendments to provide Independent External Decision Makers the power to order specific changes to a prisoner’s conditions of confinement and the power to investigate allegations of staff misconduct in SIUs.
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Recommendation 27:
We recommend legislative amendments to provide Independent External Decision Makers the power to order independent medical and mental health assessments, including culturally appropriate assessments for Indigenous and other racialized prisoners.
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Recommendation 8:
We recommend legislation requiring prisoners to be provided with clear and timely information on the reasons for the lockdown, the daily routine and the expected duration.
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Recommendation 11:
We recommend legislation require that isolation for medical purposes be authorized by independent registered health care professionals, with reasons provided to the prisoner and their legal representative.
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