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42 search results for
Public services

Universal basic services

Democracy and legal services

Recommendation 58: Lower the federal and provincial voting age in Canada from 18 to 16.

Universal basic services

Democracy and legal services

Recommendation 59: Fully restore and fund poverty law legal aid in BC to address areas such as income security, employment, housing, and debt.

Universal basic services

Democracy and legal services

Recommendation 60: Provide mandatory training to ensure all practitioners providing legal aid are trained in trauma-informed, culturally safe practises that include power analysis and gender-based violence training.

Universal basic services

Democracy and legal services

Recommendation 61: Increase funding for family law legal aid, raise the income cut-off for eligibility, and significantly increase the number of hours available per case.

Universal basic services

Democracy and legal services

Recommendation 62: Increase funding to the Human Rights Tribunal to stop extensive delays and restore service levels.

Universal basic services

Democracy and legal services

Recommendation 63: Ensure Internet access, access to technology, and in-person support to those accessing the legal system online.

Universal basic services

Democracy and legal services

Recommendation 64: Apply a gender-based analysis lens (GBA+) to all legal aid funding in BC.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 65: Free-fare public transit.

  • Step: Implement free transit for all youth 0-18 in every transit system in B.C.
  • Step: Implement a sliding scale fare system based on income in every transit system in B.C.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 66: Cease ticketing minors for fare evasion in all transit systems in BC.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 67: Implement community service as a do-no-harm alternative to fare evasion fines for low-income adults in every transit system in B.C.

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