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42 search results for
Public services

Universal basic services

Mental health

Recommendation 29: Implement a trauma-informed, harm reduction, approach in the provision of all health care and related services.

Universal basic services

Mental health

Recommendation 30: Address the health and safety harms associated with substance use and provide equitable access to all forms of health care for those who use substances.

Universal basic services

Mental health

Recommendation 31: Install an independent Mental Health Advocate within the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions.

Universal basic services

Mental health

Recommendation 32: Integrate no-to-low cost counselling and other evidence-based mental health therapies into primary care networks and community health centres to support people in accessing mental health care at the first sign of illness.

Universal basic services

Mental health

Recommendation 33: Provide counselling and other evidence-based mental health therapies free at the point of use for all.

Universal basic services

K–12 education

Recommendation 38: Adequately fund K-12 education to end the need for parent fees and fundraising, ensure library, staff resources, and special needs assessment and support.

Universal basic services

K–12 education

Recommendation 39: Implement a national healthy school food program through the Ministry of Education and provide a healthy, free, lunch for all students in B.C.

Universal basic services

Higher education

Recommendation 40: Reduce tuition fees by 50% and increase the availability of non-repayable post-secondary bursaries and grants for low-income students.

Universal basic services

Higher education

Recommendation 41: Increase base funding to colleges and universities by at least $200 million starting in the 2020/21 year.

Universal basic services

Higher education

Recommendation 42: Provide the first year of all college and trade programs tuition-free.

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