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71 search results for
Poverty and economic inequality

Universal basic services

K–12 education

Recommendation 39: Implement a national healthy school food program through the Ministry of Education and provide a healthy, free, lunch for all students in B.C.

Universal basic services

Higher education

Recommendation 40: Reduce tuition fees by 50% and increase the availability of non-repayable post-secondary bursaries and grants for low-income students.

Universal basic services

Higher education

Recommendation 41: Increase base funding to colleges and universities by at least $200 million starting in the 2020/21 year.

Universal basic services

Higher education

Recommendation 42: Provide the first year of all college and trade programs tuition-free.

Universal basic services

Higher education

Recommendation 43: Address the rise of precarious work in higher education.

Universal basic services

Child care

Recommendation 44: We endorse the $10-a-day Child Care Plan and recommend government cease income-testing and continue to build and support our emergent $10-a-day plan for B.C.

Universal basic services

Child care

Recommendation 45: Consider the disproportionate impact of precarious labour within the child care sector on women and implement a provincial wage grid for early child educators to raise wages, and address recruitment and retention.

Universal basic services

Child care

Recommendation 46: Transfer the Child Care Branch from the Ministry of Children and Family Development to the Ministry of Education.

Universal basic services

Child care

Recommendation 47: Increase the universal Fee Reduction Initiative with a cap on fees and expand the number of $10-a-day prototype sites.

Universal basic services

Child care

Recommendation 48: Establish a child care capital budget and further work with communities to plan, fund, and build new publicly owned child care facilities. This should begin with the purchase of bulk modular child care buildings to be located on public land across the province.

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