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24 search results for

Universal basic services


Recommendation 35: Address the digital divide during the pandemic and beyond and implement an initiative to provide $10-a-month high-speed at-home Internet access for all living at or below the Market Basket Measure poverty line, as well as all those accessing any form of education in B.C.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 36: Provide a B.C. Technology Fund and non-repayable grants to all enrolled in the $10-a-month affordability initiative and increase digital literacy training province-wide to address online safety, security, privacy, and disinformation.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 53: Address the need for affordable housing in Metro Vancouver and build a minimum of 10,000 new units of non-market rentals, public housing, and co-op housing per year, starting in 2021.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 54: Increase the province-wide stock of all forms of social housing.

Universal basic services

Democracy and legal services

Recommendation 59: Fully restore and fund poverty law legal aid in BC to address areas such as income security, employment, housing, and debt.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 65: Free-fare public transit.

  • Step: Implement free transit for all youth 0-18 in every transit system in B.C.
  • Step: Implement a sliding scale fare system based on income in every transit system in B.C.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 67: Implement community service as a do-no-harm alternative to fare evasion fines for low-income adults in every transit system in B.C.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 68: Apply an equity lens to all provincial, regional, and municipal transportation planning to ensure all forms of transportation infrastructure are affordable, accessible, and safe for at-risk and low-income community members.

Economic security

Extreme poverty and homelessness

Recommendation 69: Achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 1: Zero Poverty, 1.1. by eradicating extreme poverty in all its forms by 2030 and ensuring all those who are homeless have homes by 2030 in B.C.

Economic security

Extreme poverty and homelessness

Recommendation 70: Address the depth of poverty in B.C and ensure all those below the poverty line achieve incomes 30% above the Market Basket Measure by 2026.

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