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19 search results for
Children and youth

Universal basic services

Child care

Recommendation 45: Consider the disproportionate impact of precarious labour within the child care sector on women and implement a provincial wage grid for early child educators to raise wages, and address recruitment and retention.

Universal basic services

Child care

Recommendation 46: Transfer the Child Care Branch from the Ministry of Children and Family Development to the Ministry of Education.

Universal basic services

Child care

Recommendation 47: Increase the universal Fee Reduction Initiative with a cap on fees and expand the number of $10-a-day prototype sites.

Universal basic services

Child care

Recommendation 48: Establish a child care capital budget and further work with communities to plan, fund, and build new publicly owned child care facilities. This should begin with the purchase of bulk modular child care buildings to be located on public land across the province.

Universal basic services

Democracy and legal services

Recommendation 58: Lower the federal and provincial voting age in Canada from 18 to 16.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 65: Free-fare public transit.

  • Step: Implement free transit for all youth 0-18 in every transit system in B.C.
  • Step: Implement a sliding scale fare system based on income in every transit system in B.C.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 66: Cease ticketing minors for fare evasion in all transit systems in BC.

Universal basic services


Recommendation 68: Apply an equity lens to all provincial, regional, and municipal transportation planning to ensure all forms of transportation infrastructure are affordable, accessible, and safe for at-risk and low-income community members.

Economic security

Extreme poverty and homelessness

Recommendation 71: Prioritize poverty reduction strategies that target those who have a higher risk of living in poverty due to intersectional disadvantage. This includes women, single senior women, single parents, Indigenous and racialized communities, immigrants and refugees, those engaged in survival sex work and other work in grey economies, LGBTQIA2S+ individuals, those living with disabilities (taking into consideration the diverse needs of those with both short and long-term disability needs), those with mental health challenges, and those with substance-use disorders.

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