11 search results for
Online hate
Recommendation 22:
Working with Muslim community associations, human rights bodies, trade unions and civil society organizations, and other stakeholders, develop a strategy to combat the growth of anti-Muslim hate groups and online and social media dissemination of Islamophobia.
Islamophobia at Work: Challenges and Opportunities
Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Labour Congress
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Recommendation 1:
The severity and pervasiveness of anti-Asian racism reported requires immediate attention from all levels of government. Federal, provincial and municipal governments and all political parties must recognize anti-Asian racism as a distinct area of discrimination that requires immediate action. In particular, the government must:
- Recognize the importance of anti-racism education by committing financial and other resources to community-led organizations to carry out anti-racism education.
- Provide comprehensive, community-based, culturally specific, collective and individual social supports that would be accessible for those from diverse backgrounds and of all language abilities to ensure that victims and survivors of racist attacks and anti-Asian racism can receive the support they need so that our communities can recover holistically.
- Implement comprehensive policies to prevent the spread of misinformation in media and social media which incites negative public discourse and further provokes racism (for example, policies proposed by CCNC-SJ).
- Fund more educational initiatives about the long history of Chinese Canadians and Asian Canadians in Canada, their historical experiences with racism and their contributions to Canada.
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Recommendation 82:
The Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport, the Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Division at the Ministry of Attorney General, and subject matter experts from the People of African Descent community, including the Canadian Association of Black Journalists, should collaborate to ensure that the anti-racism legislation imposes regulatory and authoritative oversight to seek greater accountability from the Fourth Estate, film, communications, and advertising consortiums by requiring targeted cultural sensitization outreach and structured engagements to encourage best practices in hiring, professional advancement, and minority representation in messaging content.
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Recommendation 12:
Take seriously their responsibility for comment moderation, both on news sites and when shared to official social media channels.
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Recommendation 24:
Repeal and amend legislation that promotes racism and hate including Bill C-59 (the National Security Act) and Bill S-7 (the Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act).
Islamophobia at Work: Challenges and Opportunities
Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Labour Congress
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Recommendation 23:
Provide youth with ongoing training around technology, so they are able to use it safely to maintain social connections and are able to protect themselves from online bullying or trafficking.
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Recommendation 80:
Increase youth’s safety and security around online activities to mitigate risks of exploitation and online bullying.
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Recommendation 13:
Incorporate information about online misogyny into technology literacy resources for youth to account for unsafe online spaces and support them in safely navigating the internet.
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Recommendation 15:
Include articles, commentaries or blogs in internal communication networks, so members can learn more about Muslims in Canada and how to help. Quickly deal with any backlash from members on your social networks too.
Islamophobia at Work: Challenges and Opportunities
Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Labour Congress
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Recommendation 13:
Employ credible editorial tools (e.g., Reporting in Indigenous Communities riic.ca) to reduce the continued feeding of anti-Indigenous stereotyping in news headlines and articles.
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